TWAS South-South Fellowships
The Third World Academy of Science (TWAS)

1. The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) invites applications for travel grants from scientists in developing countries, normally with research experience and with positions in universities and/or research institutions in these countries, who wish to visit scientific institutions in Third World countries other than their own for the purpose of undertaking joint research with other scientists from the South and/or learning new techniques in scientific research.
2. The aim of the TWAS South-South Fellowship Programme is to facilitate and promote mutual contacts between research scientists in the South and to further relations between their scientific institutions.

1. Travel grants are supported by the Dipartimento per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No provision is made for accompanying family members.
2 .Host institutions are normally expected to cover the living expenses of visiting fellows. If necessary, TWAS has formal agreements with organizations in several Third World Countries, who have agreed to consider providing the subsistence costs of visitors. In particular a number of long-term visits (up to one year) can be considered in Argentina, Brazil, China, and Mexico. Information about the scientific institutions in these countries is available on request.
3. TWAS Fellowships envisage a minimum stay of one month.
Selected candidates should submit a report on the work carried out during the fellowship period to the host institution and to the Third World Academy of Sciences.
1.Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by host institutions and the Third World Academy of Sciences. Special consideration will be given to visits which can be expected to promote cooperation among scientists of the same region and yield substantial benefits to the visitors, their hosts and their respective scientific communities.
2.Applications will be considered by the Third World Academy of Sciences throughout the year. Applicants are requested, however, to give at least three months prior notice of the visits to allow for the completion of the review and evaluation procedure.a,/pa.

no deadline for submission


Ms.Helen Grantd
South-South Fellowships, Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
c/o The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11-34014 Trieste, Italy
Phone : (+39 040) 2240-386 Fax : (+39 040) 224559 E-mail :


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