Graduiertenkollegs (The DFG\'s Research Training Programme)
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

A Graduiertenkolleg\'s research programme provides a framework into which the individual theses can be fitted in accordance with the qualifications and wishes of candidates and faculty members. This programme is expected to meet high scientific standards. In addition, it is required to be sufficiently broad, interdisciplinary if possible, enabling the students to acquire expertise in fields outside their own. Because the scientific interaction and cooperation between the participating students is one of the essential advantages of a Graduiertenkolleg, the programme must be focussed enough to ensure that the individual theses are sufficiently closely linked to facilitate this exchange.

Candidates are expected to
- hold a university degree recognised in Germany with well above-average qualifications,
- present a substantial thesis topic that fits well into the research programme; a member of the Graduiertenkolleg must have agreed to participate in the supervision of the thesis,
- be under 28 years of age
Fellowships can be awarded for up to three years.
Proposals for new Graduiertenkollegs are initiated by faculty members and endorsed by their university. They are evaluated and selected in a competitive central peer review procedure on the following criteria:
1. qualification of the proposing researchers for research and research training.
2. quality of the proposed research programme
3. suitability of the study programme

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Postfach 20 50 04, 53175 Bonn, Germany
Fax: +49 28/885-25 50 URL :